The 10 Commandments of Wine Tasting

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"How to improve your tastings? This is a question every winery should ask itself. Discover the 10 commandments to make your tastings memorable and profitable experiences."

For a wine enthusiast, tastings represent the ultimate experience.
Per questo motivo, migliorare le degustazioni per portare un cliente ad acquistare i propri vini dovrebbe essere imperativo per ogni cantina, così da
ensuring the right reward for the efforts and investments made.

Here are ten useful tips to enhance your tastings

1. Promote the tasting experience:

A well-promoted event generates expectation and curiosity, enticing customers to participate. Utilize social media, newsletters, and collaborations with influencers.

2. Multisensory and thematic experience:

Amplify the scope of the experience to engage your customers. Integrate the tasting with visual, olfactory, and tactile elements, or organize tastings around cultural and artistic themes.

3. Online continuity:

Offer small previews of your tasting through online channels, creating a sense of continuity. Publish videos, photos, and stories on social media that reflect the in-winery experience.

4. Offer several tasting experiences:

Provide several tasting options to satisfy all types of customers. A detailed explanation of the different types of wines and their production is not appreciated equally by everyone.

5. Strategic information:

Distribute information about the products and the winery at strategic points, preparing customers for the tasting and encouraging them to learn more. You can use tools like QR code, brochures, images, and videos.

6. Not just elegance:

Elegance and style aren’t everything in a tasting.
Diverse ricerche hanno confermato che, quando si tratta di acquistare una bottiglia, avrà più successo un prodotto e una comunicazione che evoca concetti come “territorio”, “tradizione” e “convivialità”.

7. Strategic retail point:

Conclude the guided tour at the retail point.
Dopo aver assaporato i vini, i clienti saranno più inclini all’acquisto immediato.

8. Leverage impulsive buying:

Encouraging post-tasting purchases should be a primary goal.
Studi sulle preferenze dei consumatori di alcolici, infatti, rivelano che la maggioranza di loro prende decisioni guidate dall’impulso del momento e dal desiderio di benessere.

9. Collect customer data:

Use sales, tastings, and guided tours to collect customer data.
Questo ti permette di conoscere le loro preferenze e di creare esperienze mirate.

10. No obstacles to direct sales:

The last commandment, but not the least important. Direct sales should be the goal of every tasting, especially if the customer is a tourist who won’t be able to repeat the experience soon. Post-tasting, all tools must be in place to maximize D2C sales (read our article on this expanding channel).

Having obstacles in this direct relationship, such as the inability to ship abroad or the presence of intermediaries, will undermine everything the tasting has created. Following all the previous advice won’t compensate for the efforts made to make this moment magical and fruitful.

After this overview of tips to improve tastings, it’s now up to you! Use the advice that best fits your winery and create an extraordinary experience for your customers:but remember… The last commandment is the most important!

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