Tax: reporting of income earned through online sales

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"Implementation of the DAC7 Directive for online sales. A surge in audits for undeclared income: €30 billion in revenues expected for the EU."

There is no more room for doubt: the EU DAC7 directive is now in force, regulating online sales and automating the exchange of information between tax administrations across the various countries within the European Union.

The Revenue Agency aligns provisions for online sales operations for e-commerce operators in order to monitor their associated income. With the provision dated November 20, 2023, the final implementation of the DAC7 Directive is marked, completing the regulatory framework necessary for the commencement of income reporting generated by users on e-commerce platforms, websites, apps, and more.

The first deadline is set for January 31, 2024, by which online platform operators based in Italy must fulfill the obligation to transmit to the Revenue Agency data related to the sale of goods and the provision of services conducted through their websites and applications.

Information regarding online sales will be shared by the Revenue Agency with other European Union countries, based on the seller’s country of residence. At the same time, the Italian tax authorities will receive detailed information on transactions made through e-commerce or rentals by individuals or legal entities residing in Italy. This will activate a surge of cross-checks, with Europe estimating undeclared income from intercepts to amount to €30 billion.

The EU tax authority‘s oversight thus becomes digital and pervasive.

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